Rules for 22202 Holiday Lights
Last update: December 11, 2020
1. Participation is open to all Residents within 22202 and National Landing businesses.
2. Entry is free, no cost or fees apply.
3. Entry Applications must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, December 13th, 2020.
4. Neighborhood favorite voting opens at 5pm on December 14th and runs through 11pm on December 18th. Votes can be updated anytime until December 18th.
4. Contest is for decorations visible from the exterior only. Decorations visible through doors or windows will be considered but must be visible from the street.
5. Judging will be based on “curb appeal” as viewed from the street only. Therefore, only those decorations located on the street side of the property will be judged (corner lots will be judged from both streets). Judges cannot enter the property to view back or side yards.
6. Participants agree to have one or more photos of their decorated residence exterior posted on the Facebook page, social media outlets and/or published in printed publications. Participants are encouraged to submit their own photos via social media at tag with #22202HolidayLights.
7. Participants agree there will be no compensation of any kind for said posting or publication.
8. Judging criteria will include:
one prize for the most Clark Griswold like decorations
one prize for the most Martha Stewart like decorations
neighborhood choice will be by online voting, with three points for first choice, two for second, one for third. Most points is the neighborhood choice.
9. Judging will be done by panel of impartial judges between Wednesday, Dec 16 - Friday, Dec 18, 2020 from 6-8pm. Participants should ensure that all lights, animations and decorations are in place and activated during the three night judging period.
10. One Grand and One Runner Up Prize Winners will be awarded in the following three categories: Best Clark Griswold (judged award), Best Martha Stewart (judged award), Neighborhood Favorite (popular vote). An entry can only win one prize - multiple prizes for the same house are not permitted. If a home is chosen a winner in more than one category, the participant will be awarded the highest value prize, and the judges will select an alternate winner for the other prizes.
11. Prizes for the Residential Winners in each Main Category (Martha and Clark) will receive the following:
Grand Prize
$100 gift card from local business of recipient's choice.
$100 Extreme Pizza gift card.
Runner Up
$50 Extreme Pizza gift card.
$100 gift card from local business of recipient's choice.
11. Winners will be announced on Saturday, December 19th, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
12. Winners do not need to be present to win. Winner will be notified by telephone and/or email.
13. Email with special code for 25% off Extreme Pizza will be sent by December 15th to all emails provided on residential and business registrations. Discount must be redeemed online through the website ( or the Extreme Pizza mobile all. Cannot be redeemed in store or through phone orders. Discount good for 25% off all food and non-alcoholic beverages on a single order.
13. Rules and dates are subject to change.
14. Be creative, be festive, have fun!